How to Provide Liquidity on Swamps L2 ?

Liquidity is the backbone of any trading platform, ensuring that swaps and trades can be executed smoothly without significant price impacts, by providing liquidity to Swamps L2, you help create a more stable and efficient trading environment and benefit from transaction fees in return.

Steps to Provide Liquidity:

1. Access the Platform: Start by navigating to Swamps L2:

2. Navigate to the Liquidity Section: Click on the “Liquidity” tab on the platform’s interface.

3. Select Your Token Pair: Choose the pair of tokens you wish to provide liquidity for, this could be any supported token pair available on the platform.

4. Enter the Amount: Input the amount of each token in the pair that you want to provide.

5. Choose Lock Duration: Click “Add” and select a lock duration for your liquidity, opting for a longer lock period can yield higher bonuses and rewards.

6. Confirm the Supply: Review your details and click “Confirm Supply” to finalize the process.

7. Transaction Completion: Once confirmed, you will have successfully added liquidity to the pool and will now earn a share of 0.4% transaction fees on all trades proportional to your contribution to the pool and more.

8. View Your Position: After adding liquidity, you can view your position in the “Positions” section to track your contributions and rewards.

By contributing to the liquidity pool, you play a crucial role in the platform’s ecosystem, enhancing trade efficiency and market stability.

This guide should help you start your journey as a liquidity provider on Swamps L2, allowing you to contribute to the DeFi space while earning rewards.

Last updated