Extra rewards

Introducing Extra Rewardsβ€”a feature designed to supercharge your earnings and incentivize active participation on our platform.


The Extra Rewards feature allows users to earn additional rewards by staking their xGSWP tokens. By participating in this staking program, users can earn more xGSWP tokens and liquidity position tokens, significantly boosting their overall returns.

Key Features

  1. Stake to Earn: Users can stake their xGSWP tokens to earn additional xGSWP tokens and liquidity position tokens, creating a compounding effect on their earnings.

  2. Enhanced Rewards: Extra Rewards provide a lucrative opportunity for users to maximize their returns on Swamps DEX, making their participation more rewarding.

  3. Incentivized Participation: This feature incentivizes users to actively stake their xGSWP tokens, contributing to the growth and liquidity of the Swamps DEX ecosystem.

How It Works

  1. Stake xGSWP Tokens: Users can stake their xGSWP tokens by navigating to the Extra Rewards section on the Swamps DEX platform and selecting the amount of xGSWP they wish to stake.

  2. Earn Additional Rewards: Once staked, users begin earning additional xGSWP tokens and liquidity position tokens. These rewards are automatically accumulated and added to the user's account.

  3. Redeem Rewards: Users can monitor their accumulated rewards and redeem them at any time. The additional xGSWP tokens can be further staked or swapped for GSWP tokens, while the liquidity position tokens enhance their liquidity provision capabilities.


  • Compounding Returns: By staking xGSWP tokens to earn more xGSWP and liquidity position tokens, users can enjoy compounding returns on their investment.

  • Active Participation: The Extra Rewards feature encourages users to actively engage with the Swamps DEX platform, fostering a dynamic and robust ecosystem.

Last updated