How to Convert GSWP to xGSWP and vice versa ?

Understanding xGSWP

xGSWP is the escrowed version of GSWP, designed for enhanced utility within the Swamps ecosystem. It offers flexibility with two key conversion options:

Whatโ€™s the benefit of holding xGSWP ?

xGSWP can be allocated to Extra Rewards, also known as Staking for xGSWP tokens. Stakers earn xGSWP and GSWP/BTC LP tokens.

You can also allocate xGSWP to your staked positions (spNFT) to boost their rewards using YieldBooster.

Note: To convert xGSWP to GSWP, the minimum vesting period is 15 days with a redeem ratio of 0.5: and the maximum vesting period is 2 months, with a redeem ratio of 1:1.

To convert GSWP into xGSWP:

1. Go on xGSWP Dashboard tab

2. Select the amount of GSWP you would like to convert to xGSWP

3. Click on โ€œApproveโ€ and then click on โ€œConvertโ€

4. Congrats your GSWPs have been converted to xGSWPs!

To convert xGSWP to GSWP:

1. Select the amount of xGSWP you would like to convert to GSWP

2. Select the vesting duration

3. Click on Redeem

4. Confirm the transaction

Congratulations! You converted your xGSWP to GSWP!

Last updated